Set and forget?


Lots of people do this with their websites, build it, launch it, maybe write a few social posts, then abandon it and expect it to continue to deliver results.

  • A website is a tool for ongoing use that should evolve with your company rather than a simple checkbox.
  • If you’re a tradesman, make a big deal of your new reviews – but make sure you’ve updated them often! An out of date reviews section is just as bad as not having any.
  • A great way of showing the company is active and delivering a good service is to have a gallery feature. This can be a separate feature that you add new jobs to, or you can integrate it with your Instagram feed. Again – regular updates are key here.

Above all you’re looking to make sure visitors knows that you’re still in business, you’ve got happy customers and that you actively showcase your work.

Also, if you’ve got a website you had built in 2005 that you’ve not touched since, please get in touch as it’ll be doing more harm than good at this point!